

We are one of the few breeders of the Rare Red New Zealand rabbits! They are so hard to find people have traveled out of state to find these beauties!

We also are breeding New Zealand blacks.

Mangalista Pig

2022 we got our first breeding pair of pigs, but not just any kind of pig! We have the Mangalista Pig! This breed is known as “The BEST tasting pig in the world!” The meat is Red and marbled like a beautiful beef steak. They also have a large cap of fat that would be great for making soap or lard with. With its wooly coat it is an amazing pig for Minnesota winters.

Our first litter was born September of 2022. Our second was born April 2023.


Our main chicken is the buff Orpington. they are great egg layers.

We also have the American Bresse, a French chicken. “the best tasting chicken in the world” who, similar to the mangalista, has a marbling of fat.

On certain years we do raise meat birds as well